Arduino sound level meter and spectrum analyzer 330

Arduino sound level meter and spectrum analyzerArduino sound level meter and spectrum analyzer
Recently I have been doing some projects with the Arduino electronics platform. One of the projects involved benchmarking certain motors and required me to measure noise levels. I  will cover that project in more detail in one of the future articles, but now I would like to write about the process and best practices of ...

Why use – Fosphor, a GNU Radio real-time spectrum analyzer? 3

Why use - Fosphor, a GNU Radio real-time spectrum analyzer?Why use - Fosphor, a GNU Radio real-time spectrum analyzer?
Lately I have been experimenting with Software Defined Radio, SDR, which is a software-based radio signal processing system. I find this field intriguing. I can capture all kinds of signals in the air and get a better understanding of how technologies and gadgets around me operate. During my exploration of SDR I discovered one tool ...