Why use – Fosphor, a GNU Radio real-time spectrum analyzer? 3

Why use - Fosphor, a GNU Radio real-time spectrum analyzer?
Lately I have been experimenting with Software Defined Radio, SDR, which is a software-based radio signal processing system. I find this field intriguing. I can capture all kinds of signals in the air and get a better understanding of how technologies and gadgets around me operate. During my exploration of SDR I discovered one tool ...

Why use – SoundWire? 11

Why use - SoundWire?
SoundWire is a nifty little app that lets you listen to sound that normally comes out of your Windows (or Linux) PC on an Android device. The main use of this for me is as “wireless headphones” for listening to YouTube or movies that the PC can play without really purchasing actual wireless headphones. The ...

Why use – PingInfoView?

Why use - PingInfoView?
In this first “Why use?” post, I will tell you about PingInfoView, a freeware utility from NirSoft that makes it easy to monitor ping to several servers overtime. In the “Why use?” series I will review interesting software products and services. PingInfoView is a utility by Nir Sofer, a powerhouse of Win32 utilities. I have ...